Sunflower meal

Sunflower meal is a feed product used in agriculture. Its use is necessary to increase the productivity of animals and birds, which increases the profitability of the farm. The product is very useful; therefore it is included in the diet of animals. The meal is fed in pure form, as well as mixed with compound feed.Sunflower meal

Also, the diet of animals includes other feeds, rich in vitamins and minerals. They should be given regularly so that the organisms get stronger quickly. This allows you to raise healthy animals, which is what any farm needs. The composition of sunflower meal includes 30 - 43% of crude protein, a rich set of amino acids, in particular a high content of methionine, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of young animals. Sunflower meal is rich in niacin, riboflavin, choline, biotin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine. In addition to this, sunflower meal is an excellent source of vitamin E.

Sunflower meal is produced in accordance with the requirements of TS RB 190239501.455-2001 "Sunflower Meal Obtained by Processing Sunflower Seeds. Technical Specifications" and confirmed compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Republic of Belarus TR 2010/25/BY "Feed and Feed Additives. Safety" and requirements of the "Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for Ensuring Safety of Feed, Feed Additives and Raw Materials for the Production of Compound Feed", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus dated February 10, 2011 No. 10 (as amended by the resolutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food dated May 20, 2011 No. 33, July 28, 2011 No. 49, September 10, 2014 No. 48, and June 10, 2016 No. 23) by the Declaration of Conformity No. BY/112 11.01.TR025 08191 dated July 2, 2020 valid till 2 July 2025.

Since 2018, the enterprise has been producing sunflower meal in accordance with the requirements of GOST 11246-96 "Sunflower Meal. Specifications". Compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Republic of Belarus TR 2010/25/BY "Feed and Feed Additives. Safety" and the requirements of "Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for Ensuring Safety of Feed, Feed Additives and Raw Materials for the Production of Compound Feed", approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus dated February 10, 2011 No. 10 (as amended by the resolutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food dated May 20, 2011 No. 33, July 28, 2011 No. 49, September 10, 2014 No. 48, June 10, 2016 No. 23 and February 5, 2018 No. 9) is confirmed by the Declaration of Conformity No. BY/112 11.01.TR025 05634 dated February 27, 2018 valid till February 27, 2023.

Quality Indicators of Sunflower Meal
Indicator GOST 11246-96 TS RB 190239501.455-2001
Color Grey with brown tinge Grey of different tinges
Odor Odor typical of sunflower meal without foreign odors (mold, burning, mustiness)
Moisture and volatiles content, %, NMT 9,0 - 11,0 7,0 - 10,0
Mass fraction of ash, insoluble in hydrochloric acid, expressed on absolutely dry basis, %, NMT 1,0 -
Mass fraction of total ash, expressed on absolutely dry basis, %, NMT 6,5 10,0

Mass fraction of metal impurities, %, NMT:

- particle size up to 2 mm included
- particles larger than 2 mm with sharp cutting edges

not permissible
10,0 mg/kg
not permissible
Contamination with pests of grain stocks not permissible
Mass fraction of the residual amount of solvent, %, NMT 0,08 0,1
Mass fraction of crude protein expressed on absolutely dry basis, %, NMT 39,0 28,0
Mass fraction of crude fiber in a fat-free product expressed on absolutely dry basis, %, NMT 23,0 34,0
Mass fraction of crude fat expressed on absolutely dry basis, %, NMT 1,5 3,5
Total energy value, feed units on dry basis, NLT 0,968 0,5
Foreign impurities (stones, glass, earth) not permissible
Mass fraction of isothiocyanates expressed on absolutely dry basis, % - -
Urease potency, рН - -
Acid value, mg КОН/g, NMT 40,0
Peroxide value, % I2, NMT 0,4
Shelf life 3 months